New Horizon

New Horizon

On Friday afternoon, July 27, the tanks that would characterize the new horizon of TPT arrived at the Zevenaarshaven. Because the tanks were too big to transport by road, they were brought by ship. On Saturday early in the morning, the first tank was hoisted onto the mobile platform. Across the terrain to the right place, the tank was hoisted back into place. Despite the fact that the work took place outside working hours, several TPT employees were present to see how everything was done. Everyone enjoyed some refreshments together.
After hoisting the first two tanks, the crane was moved to the other side of the bund. In order to also be able to put the last tank in place. In the afternoon, the three tanks were placed and everyone could go home again. The horizon has changed and awaits many more surprises for the future.

Together we stand strong

Thankful for 25 years

Thankful for 25 years

It does not get more special than this – we celebrated our 25 years with a murder mystery weekend at Landgoed Duin & Kruidberg, where our employees and partners cheersed at all the achievements of the past years and looked into our future. We are truly blessed with our amazing TPT family.

Thank you for everyone who has been part of our 25-year journey, thank you to our employees and their families, thank you to our customers, suppliers and partners. Together we build the future.

Thank you for the ones making this weekend possible.

Have you seen ‘The Warriors’?

Have you seen ‘The Warriors’?

This year it was time for the Harbour Days in Terneuzen, where our Warriors braved the water for a fantastic evening of rowing!

It was a beautiful day. We kicked off the evening with a family barbecue where everyone, while enjoying good food, shared the summer plans with each other. Of course, we also prepared for the race and strategies were discussed.

Dressed in the latest edition of our Warriors T-shirt with our 25th anniversary logo, there was a lot of laughter, drama and above all a fantastic team spirit. We are proud of our rowers, supporters and above all of the children who did their best on the self-painted banners that encouraged our rowers.

Thank you to team and for organizing a fantastic event and to our Warriors for putting on a real show.

Proudly into the future

Proudly into the future

At TPT, we are committed to a better future and responsible entrepreneurship. By obtaining the NEN ISO 14001 certification and our certificate, we have created an environmentally responsible management system and contribute to the improvement of our company and our entire partner chain. In the field of the environment, human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement.

NEN ISO 14001 is an international standard that indicates what a good environmental management system should meet. This management system focuses specifically on controlling and improving environmental performance.

Ecovadis is a globally trusted corporate sustainability rating that drives impact at scale by guiding the improvement of sustainability performance of our business and value chain.

We continue to take important steps towards a bright and sustainable future

Together we are strong – also in the future